The Sovereignty Of God

Several years ago, I remember a church marquee sign with only two words printed in bold black letters which read: "Try God." It wasn't too long before someone had scribbled below those words this question: "On what charge?"

If we think that's funny, let's consider a man in California a few years back, who actually tried to sue God for a storm that had caused him to suffer uninsured loss. The judge threw the case out of court, saying the sheriff's office was unable to bring the defendant into court.

Similarly, many folks have tried to call God into question for one thing or another. Many play the game of "Whys." "Why did God make me like this?" (Romans 9:20; cf. Isaiah 45:9). "Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble?" (Habakkuk 1:3). "Why would a good God allow good folks to suffer at the hands of evil men?" (Job 24:1-17). Like the California man, the maddening thing to these folks, is that they can't bring God into the courtroom.

The concept of the sovereignty of God, is a difficult lesson for mankind to learn (Jeremiah 32:17,26-27; cf. Genesis 18:14). God moves and acts on His own authority (Daniel 4:8-25). He does "what" He pleases, "when" He pleases, and He refuses to stoop to the curiosity of mortal men (Hebrews 2:6; cf. Psalm 8:4; Job 7:17-21). He will not explain or apologize for His actions, nor will He be brought up on our charges (Daniel 4:35; Romans 11:33-35).

Dear reader, rest assured that God is still on His throne and is still working things out for our good (Psalm 45:6-7; Hebrews 1:1-8; Romans 8:28), even if we don't understand all of the brush strokes going into the canvas of our life's portrait. Therefore, let us completely and unreservedly place our trust in the God of heaven, who know and understands the "whole picture" (Psalm 37:3-5; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 46:9-10)

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
