Gossip ---- A Sin That Goes To Church

Gossip is a sin that is easily dressed in fine clothes, explained away and excused. A sin that we seem to be willing to allow to come to church. Gossip is defined as conversing idly; to talk about facts, rumors, or behind-the-scenes information about other persons. That gossip may or may not be true.

God's word is full of warnings about the danger of sinning with our tongues or mouths (James 3:2-12). The writer of Proverbs had something to say about our tongue as well (Proverbs 18:21; Proverbs 20:19); Proverbs 26:28). While in stark contrast, Paul tells us that "Love keeps no score of wrongs, does not gloat over other men's sins" (1 Corinthians 13:6).

Gossip is described as one of the sins that are a sign of fake Christians that real Christians are to avoid (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Gossip has been called "a beast of prey that does not wait for the death of the victim it devours." That is a sickening picture for something that is being done by a so-called Christian. Remember that even if what you say is the truth, it can still be gossip. To take pleasure in the weakness and sins of others, is one of the most destructive forces in the church.

Whether the gossip is true or not true, it can be harmful to a brother's life, simply because it's very difficult for us to see the "whole picture" of a brother's life. For example, we see a ship broken and in desperate need of repair and think the owner simply does not care about his property, while in reality, the ship may have weathered a storm and brought all on board safely home.

Think for a moment about some events that you might really see. For example you see someone push a child down so hard that the child is hurt or you actually see someone come up behind another individual, grab them around the rib cage and punch a fist into their stomach. Now, what stories could you tell about these observations? Obviously, the stories one could tell, would be much less interesting and sensational, if you knew that in each case, the fact that someone was seemingly hurt, was only half the story. In fact, in each case, what you did not see was that life was being saved!

Consider just how glad you are that God judges and forgives you rather than some other person who may not really know the whole story of your life or of your repentance. Now remember that others too are judged and forgiven by God who do not consult either you or me. Let's all work hard to make sure that gossip is not a sin that goes with us to church or anywhere else. Lester Bagley, via the Montana Street bulletin

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
