We Can Trust The Bible Because It Works!

The story is told of mechanic who was once called to repair the mechanism of a giant telescope. During the lunch hour, the chief astronomer found the mechanic reading his Bible.

He asked, “What do you expect to gain from reading that book? Don’t you know the Bible is out of date? Why, you don’t even know who wrote it.”

The mechanic thought for a moment, then looked up at the chief astronomer and said, “Do you make use of the multiplication table in your telescope calculations?” “Why yes, of course,” the chief astronomer replied.

The mechanic then asked, “Why do you use and trust the multiplication table, when you don’t even know who wrote it?” The chief astronomer responded, “Well, we trust it because it works. ”

The mechanic responded, “Well, I trust the Bible for exactly the same reason — it works.

Dear reader, when we are willing to make application of the spiritual principles found in the Bible, we’ll find that they work! (Hebrews 5:14; cf. Malachi 3:10; Romans 12:2; Acts 17:11-12).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
