"We'll Leave The Light On For You"

Years ago, a motel chain once had a series of radio commercials that ended with the reassuring words, “We’ll leave the light on for you.” When I would come to visit my grandmother, sometimes it would be late at night before I would arrive at her house. She reassured me that no matter what the reason or the time, the porch light would be on. Its warm beams seemed to say, “This is where you belong; Someone loves you here; You are home.”

Jesus said that we who know Him as Savior and Lord are lights in this sin-darkened world (Matthew 5:14-16). We are reflections of Christ, who is “the true Light” (John 1:9).

As John the Baptist was a “witness of the Light” and pointed people to Jesus (John 1:7), so can we. Our faithful walk of obedience to Him is a beacon of God’s love and truth. Our lives and words are beams of warm light piercing the cold darkness of this world. We are like a porch light late at night, drawing those outside of Christ to Him, assuring them that Someone loves them and waits to welcome them home.

Perhaps a member of our family is still in spiritual darkness. Maybe we’re concerned about a friend or co-worker’s spiritual state. Let’s keep finding ways to draw their attention to the Lord and His word.

Beloved, let’s be sure and “leave the light (of God’s word) on for them” (Psalm 119:105; cf. Proverbs 6:23).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
