How God Measures True Greatness

The story is told of a non-commissioned officer who was directing the repairs of a military building during the American Revolution. He was barking orders to the soldiers under his command, trying to get them to raise a heavy wooden beam.

As the men struggled in vain to lift the beam into place, a man who was passing by stopped to ask the one in charge why he wasn’t helping the men. With all the pomp of a general, the soldier responded, “Sir, I am a corporal!”

“You are, are you?” replied the passerby, “I was not aware of that.” Then, taking off his hat and bowing, he said, “I ask your pardon, Corporal.” Then the stranger walked over and strained with the soldiers to lift the heavy beam.

After the job was finished, he turned and said, “Corporal, when you have another such job, and have not enough men, send for your Commander-in-Chief, and I will come and help you a second time.” The corporal was suddenly awestruck. The person who was speaking to him was General George Washington!

God measures true greatness by service. The Lord Jesus has set us an example, for though He was God and worthy of all honor, He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).

To be truly great in God’s sight, we must willingly serve others!

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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