You Can Be "Just A Christian"

In today’s religious world, many people are growing disenchanted with man-made religious organizations which originated during the middle ages and have since become meaningless. There is so much growing displeasure with denominational structures and dogma, that some have even decided that Christianity and the church are not relevant today.

One of the reasons they have made that decision, is because they are not sufficiently acquainted enough with the Scriptures to be able to distinguish between the relevant gospel of Christ, and what men over the centuries have attempted to add to it.

If some of these things have troubled you and you have felt a yearning to return to the simple, uncomplicated religion of Christ, stripping away all the nonessential elements of religion and simply abiding by the truths of Christ – truths which transform the soul and bind it to God, let me suggest that it can and has been done (see full articles here and here).

Dear reader, you too can become “just a Christian” and serve God without belonging to any denomination, bound by any denominational laws or obligations. If such freedom appeals to you, please contact the church of Christ nearest you.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
