"Fighting For The Truth"

The Gospel Advocate, dated 15 Feb. 1940, p. 148, stated the following regarding brother F.B. Srygley: “No one has sacrificed more time from home and family for the cause of Christ than Brother Srygley. No one has endured more hardships, suffered more bitter persecution, and been slandered more than was he. Those who read his editorials can bear testimony that he waged a relentless warfare against every encroachment on the truth of God and against the enemies of the church of our Lord.

Brother Srygley never faltered, evaded, or compromised any truth or righteous principle. . . . He was as courageous in criticizing his friends as he was in defending the truth against enemies. His genial good nature helped him in offering criticism and corrections, and removed the sting of the critic” (source).

Brother Srygley once stated regarding the upholding of God’s truth:

Fighting for the truth is almost a lost art. Men who are enjoying the benefits of the gospel unmixed with human error, are enjoying these benefits because our fathers fought for the truth. Every inch of ground, from that mysterious way of being saved, which was better felt than told, to the plain conditions of pardon as taught in the New Testament, was fought out for us by our fathers. If someone before us had not fought for the truth, most of us might yet be in the fog of denominational teaching. This is not the time to temporize or make friends with error.F.B. Srygley via the Gospel Advocate, Circa 1928

Beloved, let us be encouraged by brother F.B. Srygley’s willingness to fight for and uphold God’s truth, and let us be willing do the same (2 Timothy 1:13-14; Titus 1:9; Hebrews 10:23; cf. Hebrews 4:14).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
