Money And Frugality

Not long ago, I read where 76% of Americans are now living from paycheck-to-paycheck (here's why) and 31% of Americans have no retirement savings at all (see here and also see USA Today article). This includes folks who are close to retirement age between the ages of 55 and 64. Looking at the wealthiest country that has ever existed on earth, these are indeed sad statistics.

The above economic problem has sadly been brought about by a "spend, spend, spend" economic philosophy (see here) over the past fifty or so years in our country (note the U.S. Debt Clock figures). However, there was another time in our country's history when out-of-control spending and eating "high on the hog" wasn't even considered an option.

Growing up in The Great Depression era (see video), both my grandparents and parents knew how to save what little money they received, and were very thankful for it. They lived on an old dirt farm, making their own clothes and canning their own fruit and vegetables. When they became sick, they used old home remedies, that many times, worked better than the remedies doctors prescribe today. They knew what the word "sacrifice" (an example - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15) and "deny himself" meant (Matthew 16:24 - see "deny" Strong's 533, 1b definition).

Beloved, contrary to popular belief, you cannot "spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt" (source), but you can save enough to get you out of debt if you are willing to employ just a few common sense spending and budgeting suggestions (see USA Today article).

The ultimate goal is to become debt-free so that we can help others in need (Luke 10:25-37). With God's help, and a little budgeting ingenuity and frugality, I became debt free in three years, and with God's help, you can do the same. And when you become debt-free, believe me, it's a wonderful feeling that's beyond description!

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

Related Article: Here
