What Lies In The Heart Of A Great Teacher?

There's no question in this writer's mind, that all of us are teachers, either formally or informally. We teach others, either by a formal established set of teaching criteria, or by personal example. The inspired writer, Paul tells us that we even teach ourselves (Romans 2:17-21).

Rusul Alrubail asks the following question with respect to teachers: "What lies in the heart of a great teacher?" (see here). She then lists six qualities that a great teacher should possess. I've listed five similar qualities in this article regarding Bible class teachers.

Beloved, we are teaching the future generation the spiritual criteria found in the greatest book ever written (Psalm 78:1-8). Therefore, let us all strive to have the qualities resident in the heart of a great teacher, for the destiny of souls is at stake (Romans 2:1-11; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-12; Revelation 20:12-13,15).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets 
