Education And The Increasing Complexities Of Technology

After looking at this Education Week article, regarding the changing role of school librarians, and this article about the different aspects of "Blended Learning" (see YouTube video - as well as this video), this writer is indeed thankful that I didn't grow up in this digital world of increasing complexities.

I'm very thankful that I grew up in a far less complex world of face-to-face communication and the ability to acquire simple facts in order to come to a reasonable and logical conclusion (Isaiah 1:15), without the use of today's "bells and whistles" that the educational establishment is obviously promoting.

When I substitute in our local school district's libraries, I encourage the students to use the "KISS" principle in arriving at logical conclusions  "Keep It Simple Stupid." The Bible emphasizes that those who are "simple" minded as being someone of value to the Lord because they have the mindset and willingness to become "wise" (Psalm 19:7; Psalm 116:6; Psalm 119:130).

Beloved, in facing the increasingly complex problems that the world throws at us, let us be "as wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
