Is Gay Marriage A Trojan Horse Within The Military?

In an above titled American Thinker article by writer Lee Culpepper, Mr. Culpepper makes the following observation regarding "open" homosexual marriages within the military:

"Based on the plethora of sources, the stigma and shame traditionally associated with adultery do not deter or apply in the homosexual culture, a fact to which Laura Ingraham recently alluded. Obviously, not every LGBTQ couple has an open relationship.  However, the widespread cultural practice of open relationships should have been a red flag for a serious commander in chief.  The armed forces function successfully in part because of the stringent moral boundaries designed to maintain good order and discipline."

Mr. Culpepper then makes this observation:

"Military officers have a duty to lead by example.  Their personal conduct directly impacts the morale and effectiveness of their subordinates.  Deterring immoral behavior that can spread disorder and erode discipline throughout any system or unit requires the military to have severe consequences established. With open marriages not being taboo in the homosexual culture, and the Pentagon now authorizing special leave for homosexual soldiers to be married, it might be some random cosmic accident that no news of homosexual troops committing adultery has been exposed, especially in light of the increased intolerance for the original DADT (adultery)."

After reading the above statements, the obvious answer (in this writer's view) to the above article heading is "Yes"; gay marriage is indeed a trojan horse within the military, designed to destroy our military capability from within; the exact same plan to destroy traditional God-authorized marriage within our society, and thus destroy our society (it's not too far away from total destruction already). Haven't we learned anything from history at all, i.e. The Roman Empire? (see article).

Dear reader, we can know this for certain: God will not long tolerate any nation or society that condones sexual perversions and aberrations, calling evil "good" and good "evil" (Isaiah 5:20; cf. Psalm 9:17; Proverbs 14:34). Let us sincerely petition God, that our nation might have a spiritual revival, repenting and turning back to Him, as did the Ninevites in Jonah 3.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
