In Acts 28, we see the recorded account of Paul’s shipwreck on the little island of Malta. This great apostle to the Gentiles, preacher to thousands, worker of miracles, and writer of much of the New Testament, was stuck on this island as a prisoner.
Did he lie back and bemoan his condition? Did he think he should be treated better than others because he was an apostle? Absolutely not. The Scriptures tell us that he chose to contribute to the work and needs of the natives on the island — who he obviously considered as his fellowman (cf. Acts 17:26)
Because it was raining and very cold, the text says that Paul “gathered a bundle of sticks” for a much-needed, warming fire (Acts 28:2-3).
For some reason, we may find ourselves facing difficult circumstances. Maybe we’ve reached the time in our life when vigorous activity is no longer possible. Let’s never despair, remembering Paul’s selfless example, and do what we have the ability to do to help our fellowman (cf. Acts 11:29; Mark 14:8) — even if it’s only the simple act of “gathering sticks.”
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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Because it was raining and very cold, the text says that Paul “gathered a bundle of sticks” for a much-needed, warming fire (Acts 28:2-3).
For some reason, we may find ourselves facing difficult circumstances. Maybe we’ve reached the time in our life when vigorous activity is no longer possible. Let’s never despair, remembering Paul’s selfless example, and do what we have the ability to do to help our fellowman (cf. Acts 11:29; Mark 14:8) — even if it’s only the simple act of “gathering sticks.”
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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