America Is Not Great

By his own admission, Matt Walsh "is a blogger, writer, speaker, and professional truth sayer." He is one of the writers for the online publication, The Blase. In his above titled article, he writes:

"Happy Fourth of July. America is not great. Not anymore. America is a land where babies are murdered, the family is disintegrating, marriage is perverted, and every institution is dominated by nihilists and self-worshiping liberals. That’s America. It has betrayed God, and any true patriot should feel a deep and profound anger, not false confidence in our alleged greatness. 

I think it’s time, particularly after this past week, that those on the right stop with the blind, frivolous “optimism” that leads us to constantly proclaim America’s “greatness” no matter how corrupt and sinful our culture has become. There is an arrogance in that declaration that, I assure you, does no please God. I doubt very much that God looks down on our culture and agrees with our assertion that we’re still super great and awesome no matter what. 

I really want you to read this post to the end. I consider it one of the more important messages I’ve tried to convey. I’m often accused of not being “hopeful” enough in my writing, but there is hope here. Great hope. And if you don’t see it in this one, you didn’t read it carefully enough. If you don’t see the patriotism, you didn’t read it at all."

Matt ends his article by stating:

"The greatness of America is determined by its culture, and its culture by its people, and its people by their love for God. If we can become better, more virtuous, and train our children in the ways of the Lord, maybe many years from now — perhaps when you and I are dead and buried — America will be able to call herself a great country. Until then, we can only pray that God gives us the strength for whatever comes. And come it will."

Matt's response to a respondent by the name of Mike, asks several questions designed to motivate all of us to "think" about the answers based on God's truth rather than man's opinion or philosophy. Matt has written several other controversial articles that we might want to consider as well, in light of biblical teaching.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
