A Study Of Biblical Typology

A study of Bible “types” and “antitypes” is a fascinating study. A “type” is defined as: “A biblical person, thing, action, event, ceremony, structure, furniture, number, etc. that prefigures an ‘antitype’ of the same in the New Testament”. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary provides this simple definition: “a person or thing (as in the Old Testament) believed to foreshadow another (as in the New Testament)”. In his book entitled, “Figures of Speech Used in the Bible” (p. 768), E. W. Bullinger defines a “type” as a figure or ensample of something future and more or less prophetic, called the ‘antitype.’

A study of the “types” and “antitypes” in the Scriptures will give the Bible student a clearer understanding of the purpose and reason for the acts of worship and obedience presented in the New Testament law of Christ. It is toward this end that we present this study:

Mike Riley
, Gospel Snippets
