God's Faithfulness In Our Lives

After turning 72 years of age a few months ago, this writer is thankful for life’s lessons, joys, blessings (and yes, even disappointments) found in living those 70 plus years. Even though there have been some difficult times, I have learned that the lessons of the past, have brought a change in how I view the present.

Such is the aging process. We learn from our past in order to successfully live in our present — a lesson reflected on by the Psalmist when he said:

For You are my hope, O Lord God; You are my trust from my youth” (Psalm 71:5).

He continues by saying:

By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother’s womb. My praise shall be continually of You” (Psalm 71:6).

As the Psalmist looked back, he could clearly see God’s faithfulness in assisting him in difficult times. With confidence in that faithfulness, he could face the future and its uncertainties — and so can we.

Along with the Psalmist, may we this day give God praise by saying:

I will praise You — and Your faithfulness, O my God!” (Psalm 71:22).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
