Driving my usual route home one day, I noticed the handwritten sign in front of a large church building. In big, bold letters, someone had written….”God is watching you.” That caught my eye. Of course, He is watching me but seeing those words in print made me think how much God really does know about me.
Several Bible verses came to mind. “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:29-30). I had to laugh at that one. God made it easy for himself. I have so few hairs for Him to count!
Jesus wasn’t just consoling his disciples with those words but was relating a truth. Since God is Creator and Sustainer of life, then He is all knowing, all seeing and He cares about each of us (1 Peter 5:6-7). These words must have been of great comfort to those early believers, many of whom would be giving their lives to follow Him. Persecution only seemed to attract more disciples to this new religion or really an old religion whose leader chose to bring greater definition to a codified system of laws.
Do these words bring comfort to you? Or are you, like me, preferring that He only notices me when I am in worship….at times of prayer….or actually being nice to someone? Forget the other times….too numerous to mention! Well, if He knows every hair of my head, does that count on the days when I wear one of my cute wigs? Will he still know me if I am a blonde or redhead? Does He count every hair on those wigs?
From what I read….He still knows every hair on my head! —Barbara Hyland
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Several Bible verses came to mind. “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:29-30). I had to laugh at that one. God made it easy for himself. I have so few hairs for Him to count!
Jesus wasn’t just consoling his disciples with those words but was relating a truth. Since God is Creator and Sustainer of life, then He is all knowing, all seeing and He cares about each of us (1 Peter 5:6-7). These words must have been of great comfort to those early believers, many of whom would be giving their lives to follow Him. Persecution only seemed to attract more disciples to this new religion or really an old religion whose leader chose to bring greater definition to a codified system of laws.
Do these words bring comfort to you? Or are you, like me, preferring that He only notices me when I am in worship….at times of prayer….or actually being nice to someone? Forget the other times….too numerous to mention! Well, if He knows every hair of my head, does that count on the days when I wear one of my cute wigs? Will he still know me if I am a blonde or redhead? Does He count every hair on those wigs?
From what I read….He still knows every hair on my head! —Barbara Hyland
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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