Curiosity got the best of the man, so he asked, “What do you see that’s so valuable about this old necklace?”
“Look through this glass,” replied the jeweler. There before his eyes was an inscription: “From Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine.” The value of the necklace came from its identification with a famous person.
As Christians, we can identify with a Person far more important than the most famous human being in history (cf. 1 Timothy 6:13-15; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:16). It is from this union that the Christian finds his true identity and worth.
In an age when people are busy acquiring the wealth of this world, the Christian can rejoice that his true worth comes from God (John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:9) and his identity is found in Jesus Christ (Galations 2:20; cf. Philippians 1:21; Colossians 3:2-3).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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