The "Rod Of Iron" — What Is It?

A querist asks, "In Psalms 2:9; Revelation 2:27; Revelation 12:5 and Revelation 19:15, what does the phrase, "rod of iron" refer to or denote?"

Physically speaking, iron is a hard metal, giving us the idea of something that is unbendable or obstinate (Job 40:18; Isaiah 48:4; cf. Exodus 32:9; Deuteronomy 31:27).

Spiritually speaking, the rod was a symbol of authority (for example, Moses' and Aaron's rod (cf. Exodus 4:1-5; Numbers 17:1-13), and was also a tool for punishment of those who did evil in the Old and New Testaments (Proverbs 13:24; 1 Corinthians 4:21; cf. Acts 5:1-11; Acts 13:8-12).

The "rod of iron" was also used of God's judgment upon the Jews because of their rejection of the prophesied Messiah and the gospel (Psalm 2:1-7; cf. Acts 2:22-23; Acts 13:33,45-46).

The "rod of iron" in Psalm 2:9, also characterizes the unbendable and invincible Word of God, the knowledge which would eventually "fill" the earth (cf. Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14).

This was literally brought to pass in the lifetime of the apostles, as the gospel of Christ was being proclaimed throughout the world during the first century (cf. Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:5-36; Acts 10:34-48: Romans 10:17-18; Colossians 1:5-6,23).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
