The Seven Wonders Of The World — From A Different Perspective

The story is told of a teacher who one day asked her students to list what they thought were the present Seven Wonders of the World. After the class turned in their list, the teacher read the class response as to their perspective of what The Seven Wonders of the World consisted of:

(1) Egypt's Great Pyramids; (2) Taj Mahal; (3) Grand Canyon; (4) Panama Canal; (5) Empire State Building; (6) St. Peter's Basilica; (7) China's Great Wall.

The teacher then noted that one student in the class had not finished her list, so she asked the girl if she was having trouble deciding what should be on the list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't make up my mind because there were so many possibilities." The teacher replied, "Well, tell the class what you have listed, and maybe we can help."

The girl read the following list: (1) To see (2) To hear; (3) To touch; (4) To taste; (5) To feel; (6) To laugh; (7) To love.

The class fell silent thinking about the 7 wonders the girl listed. So silent, that one could have heard a pin drop.

You see beloved, this student looked at The Seven Wonders of the World from a different perspective. She realized that these seven God-given Wonders, were far more important and of greater value to her than those Seven Wonders of the World that the class listed. For to lose even one of these precious God-given wonders, would hinder an individual's ability to productively relate to other people and to the world around them.

Seriously considering the above 7 Wonders that the above student listed, let us fall on our knees in prayer each day, humbly thanking God for our ability to see; to hear; to touch; to taste; to feel; to laugh; and most importantly, to love (1 John 4:7-11; cf. 1 John 3:16 for these are truly The Seven Wonders of the World.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
