An Encouragement To Share

Dear reader, my encouragement to you this day is that if you find this Bible study website spiritually profitable to you, please feel free to share this website link [] and the articles with everyone of your acquaintance.

You can share these articles with your friends, family and relatives in any number of ways.

Here are three ways:

1) Via Email.

2) Via any social network.

3) Via any church bulletin.

When you print out an article, you will notice that the scripture address links are also included in the printout because of the software that is used. One way to bypass this problem, is to simply copy the article and paste it in a word processor where those link addresses will not show up. Then you can print out as many copies as you need for distribution to others in your home, congregation, or neighborhood.

Thank you for your interest in spiritual things! May the God of heaven richly bless each and every one (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
