Do our children see us seeking God's Kingdom first when......
Dear reader, let’s remember and think about Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first His Kingdom, and His righteousness….” When our children see us seeking God’s kingdom “first,” it will make a big difference in their spiritual growth and development.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
- We are early to the ball game, but late to worship services?
- We see that they do their school homework, but never check to see if they have completed their Bible class lessons?
- They cannot stay up late on school nights, but they can stay up and watch the “late show” on Saturday night, though they will be attending Bible class the next morning?
- We will not let them miss public school even though they do not want to attend, but we cater to their whims and let them miss Bible class because they happen not to want to attend?
- We know the names of their public school teachers, but we cannot call the names of all their Bible class teachers?
- We will serve as room mother or president of the PTA, but we will never take part in arranging for various functions for their Bible class?
- We attend their public school open house, but do not attend the open house on the closing day of VBS?
- We will not take our vacations so as to cause them to miss any school, but we have no qualms of conscience about taking our vacation during the time of the VBS or summer Gospel meeting?
- They see us go to work even though we do not feel too well, but stay at home from church services under the same circumstances?
- They see us avidly look and study their school work, but never pay any attention at all to the study material brought home from their Bible classes?
Dear reader, let’s remember and think about Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first His Kingdom, and His righteousness….” When our children see us seeking God’s kingdom “first,” it will make a big difference in their spiritual growth and development.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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