Saved By The Blood Of Jesus!

Most (if not all) professed Christians of whatever creed or belief agree that there is a time when an alien sinner is separated from God. They are not agreed, however, on where reunion takes place when the alien sinner returns to God. Some of them teach that it is when the sinner, in answer to prayer, receives the Holy Spirit into his heart. Others teach that it is when the sinner touches the blood of Jesus, that we are saved by the blood.

This is one of the most important differences confronting the religious world today. On it “hangs” the destiny of millions of human souls. If the penitent sinner is reunited to God by the Holy Spirit coming into his heart in answer to prayer, then Jesus shed his blood in vain. That kind of salvation is a “bloodless” salvation. But this cannot be, for God’s word says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22). We are, quite simply, saved by the blood.

Question: "Where and when is the connection with the blood of Jesus established?"

Here's the answer according to the inspired New Testament scriptures.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
