Seven Character Traits Of Diotrephes

The apostle John wrote in 3 John 9, "I wrote to the church." He records that "Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence," to the extent he would not allow or even recognize John as an apostle nor his companions in the faith. John observes that Diotrephes, "does not receive us." Why Diotrephes would not allow John or other evangelists to communicate with the brethren of the church, is not specifically told. However, we can see the following seven character traits of Diotrephes, which John instructs us to be aware of and not to follow:
  • Selfish Ambition — Diotrephes loved preeminence — trying to be equal with Christ. In Colossians 1:18, we are old that Christ has "preeminence" in the church and all things.
  • Self-exaltation — Diotrephes exalted or lifted himself over the other brethren, something Christians should never do (Proverbs 3:7; Proverbs 25:27; Romans 12:3,16).
  • Slanderous — "Prating against us with malicious words" ( 3 John 10) — The word "prating" is from the Greek, "phluaron— "to babble, to accuse idly and falsely."
  • Inhospitable — "He himself does not receive the brethren" (3 John 10). The Scriptures teach contrary to this idea (Acts 18:27; Romans 14:1; Philippians 2:29; Colossians 4:10; Philemon 1:12,17).
  • Hypocrite — Seeks after his own will rather than the Lord's will — a philosophy that is condemned (Colossians 2:20-23; cf. Matthew 6:1-8). Our attitude should be the same as our Lord (Luke 22:42).
  • Judging or discipline without cause — Note the idea in 3 John 10 .... "casting those out of the church who accept other brethren" (cf. Matthew 7:1-5).
  • Complete control — Diotrephes lording his will over the church (3 John 10). The Scriptures teach contrary to this idea as well (1 Peter 5:1-3).
In 3 John 11, Diotrephes is implied as being "evil not knowing God. The word "imitate" in this verse, is a present active imperative, which admonishes us to "keep on imitating that which is good" rather than to "keep on imitating that which is evil." A question we might ask is, "How can one man gain complete control of a congregation?" It is obvious that the congregation allows it to happen. Christ warns us in Matthew 7:15, to "beware of false prophets who come in sheep's clothing." Note that these folks act like Christians; they preach and teach like Christians, but their true design and motive is to become part of the sheepfold. And when the time is right, they suddenly become "ravening wolves" preying on the true sheep (Matthew 7:15).

Dear reader, we need to be aware of brethren who have the same evil designs and ambitions as Diotrephes, taking immediate action before any harm can come to the church our Lord.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
