Thank You Faithful Christians!

Too much of our writing, preaching, and visiting is directed to the weak and unfaithful. In this article, our intent is to reverse that order. This article is not addressed to you who have to be begged, petted, and pampered before you will attend all the services of the church, and still are absent as often as you are present!

This article isn’t for those who grumble the most while doing the least! Those in this category can stop reading now, for this is not written to you! This article of encouragement is written to the “faithful” of the Lord’s church. Our vocabulary is not large or expressive enough to properly communicate to you, faithful members, how much you are appreciated!

1) No matter what attractions or distractions the world may offer, you make whatever sacrifices are necessary to not forsake the Lord. You have no more time than the unfaithful members do, but somehow you mange to “make time” to serve our Lord with the finest and best of your time and talents.

2) Whatever good Bible-based programs are put before the church, no one “wonders” what your response will be. You always fully support every program submitted by the elders. You will accept an assignment, and when you do it, it is a foregone conclusion that you will successfully complete it!

3) You don’t “flirt” with sin and see how “worldly” you can become without completely apostatizing. You are appreciated even more because you demand no “special attention” or praise for your service, and you do not consider faithful attendance at every assembly and Bible class as a “grievous” burden or a “great” feat of valor, but as simply “serving the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2).

4) You are a godly example to the youngest member (as well as the oldest) and are an inspiration to all (Colossians 1:4). You make the work of an elder, deacon, preacher, or Bible class teacher much easier and more enjoyable.

Thank you, faithful Christians, for being what the Bible describes (and teaches) as simply New Testament Christians, (i.e. “servants of the most high God” – Acts 16:17) always “ready to be offered” and looking forward to receiving that blessed “crown of righteousness” from the Lord (2 Timothy 4:6, 8). As the apostle Paul expressed, “We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you” (Colossians 1:3).

May the God of heaven bless each one of you (Ephesians 1:3) as you faithfully continue to serve in His kingdom (Colossians 1:2-13; Hebrews 12:28).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
