What is prejudice in the religious realm? The following are six observations in answering this soul-searching question:
Just think for a moment. If we were to use the Bible as our only standard, religious division would immediately cease and true unity would prevail. We would achieve the unity that our Lord so fervently prayed for in John 17:20-21.
Dear reader, let us be willing to lay aside all our prejudices (creeds, church manuals, catechisms, etc.) and study only the Word of God with an open mind, a receptive heart, and a willingness to do the will of God (Matthew 7:21).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
- Prejudice involves folly and shame! The wise man wrote: “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him” (Proverbs 18:13 KJV).
- Prejudice is the lock on the door of the closed mind. It is the ignorance we usually mistake for reason. It is the first enemy of information and progress. It is intellectual astigmatism. It is a perfect combination of conceit and ignorance.
- Prejudice never saved a soul nor settled any question in the light of truth and justice. It is the defense of the devil, shell of a petrified mind, and ceiling on understanding (source).
- Prejudice is that which prevents a person from honestly investigating the teachings of the Word of God to see if what he has been taught in the religious realm, is in God’s Book (cf. Acts 17:10-11).
- Prejudice is that which causes one to attack the person doing the preaching or teaching, when Scriptural arguments cannot be given in answer. In fact, when one manifests a prejudiced attitude, he is admitting defeat in logical reasoning, but still refuses to pay heed to anything different from the belief he already holds.
- Prejudice is that which will keep many individuals from obeying the gospel of Christ.
Just think for a moment. If we were to use the Bible as our only standard, religious division would immediately cease and true unity would prevail. We would achieve the unity that our Lord so fervently prayed for in John 17:20-21.
Dear reader, let us be willing to lay aside all our prejudices (creeds, church manuals, catechisms, etc.) and study only the Word of God with an open mind, a receptive heart, and a willingness to do the will of God (Matthew 7:21).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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