Every Penny Counts!

The penny has been called the most despised unit of currency in our country because of its seemingly insignificant value. In fact, many people will not even bother to pick up a penny if they see it lying on the ground. However, some charities are finding out that pennies can add up to significant amounts over a period of time.

To prove that pennies can add up, did you know that if we were to double a penny every day for a period of thirty days, we would have a total of $10,737,418.24 (source).

Just like the multiplication of pennies in the above example, when we obey the Lord in every circumstance of our life, that obedience soon adds up.

Collectively, our acts of faith, whether large or small, make a big difference to God and to those who we influence (Matthew 25:31-40; 1 Thessalonians 1).

Dear reader, remember that every penny (act of faith) counts!

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
