Finding The Time To Read The Bible

The following are some suggestions as to how we can find the time to read the Bible:

1) Place a Bible under our pillow to read each night before we go to sleep.

2) Wake up fifteen minutes earlier each morning.

3) Turn off the TV at 8:00 p.m. each night and read the Scriptures to ourselves and to our children.

4) Read a few verses at mealtime when the family is together.

5) Talk less to have a few more minutes to read (James 1:19).

6) Carry a Bible in our purse or pocket, to read while waiting in a doctor’s office.

7) Take a Bible on trips and read on an airplane or in a hotel (Acts 20:20).

Dear reader, let’s not just own a Bible that sits somewhere collecting dust — let’s read it! (Revelation 1:3).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
