An Apology From Shep

One of my favorite authors is Laura Ingalls Wilder. In her book entitled “Little House in the Ozarks,” she writes about a dog by the name of Shep. As Shep grew older, his eyesight deteriorated to the point where he didn’t always recognize his family as friends.

Ms. Wilder writes on page 296 regarding Shep:

Once he made a mistake and barked savagely at an old friend whom he really regarded as one of the family, though he had not seen him for some time. Later, as we all sat in the yard, Shep seemed uneasy. At last, he walked deliberately to the visitor, sat up, and held out his paw. It was so plainly an apology that our friend said, ‘That’s all right, Shep, old fellow! Shake and forget it!’ Shep shook hands and walked away perfectly satisfied.

Dear reader, like Shep, is there an apology we need to make to someone today?

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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