"He Is Blind Of Soul, And Cannot See"

"The doubter asked for a sign from God;
He waited diligently each single day.
The sun arose at dawn like a giant pearl;
At night the stars appeared in bright array.

He saw the farmers sow their acres wide,
And he watched the crops come in on time.
He saw a mother hold her newborn child,
Yet he saw no sign.

He saw the roses, the lilies, the violets –
Lovely flowers made by God’s own design.
He strolled in drifting feather-white snow,
Yet he saw no sign.

He walked the colorful woodland trails,
With beautiful animals following behind.
He beheld an ocean blue and tempest-tossed,
Yet he saw no sign.

He continued to walk with a doubtful air,
Waiting and watching, now impatiently;
Yet he ignored God’s signs all around him —
For he is blind of soul, and cannot see.Barbara Cagle Ray (see pg. 23).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
