Our Ultimate Source Of Nourishment

Have we ever wondered how bees lead one another to nectar? Scientists say it’s by the “waggle dance.” In the United Kingdom, researchers have used tiny radar transponders attached to worker bees to confirm that the bee orients its body toward the food source and uses the intensity of its waggle dance to signal the distance to other bees.

The woman who met Jesus at Jacob’s well also found a way to lead the rest of her community to what she had found — "living water" (John 4:10). They were drawn to discover why this woman with five ex-husbands and a current live-in was saying, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did” (John 4:29).

Jesus, who had called Himself “the bread of life” on other occasions (John 6:48), was telling His disciples that His food was found in doing the will of God (John 4:32,34).

Beloved, Jesus is the spiritual living water and food for our soul. Working with Him to do the will of God, and finishing the work He has assigned us to do, is the ultimate source of nourishment (Matthew 7:21; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16).

—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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