Three Keys To Inner Peace

The story is told of a young boy who one day walked with his father four miles from their rural home to his grandmother’s house. While they were visiting, the sun set. As they were walking back home, they had to walk past a swamp area. The night brought on the croaking of frogs, the chirping of crickets, and the shadows of trees which frightened the little boy.

He stopped and asked his father if there was any danger of something catching them. His father assured him there was nothing to fear. Taking his son by the hand, he told him, “I will not allow anything to harm you.” Immediately the little boy’s fears passed away and he was once again ready to continue walking.

Someone has said that the three keys to inner peace are: “fret not, faint not, and fear not.

1) Fret not — Because God loves us (1 John 4:16).
2) Faint not — Because God holds us (Psalm 139:9-10).
3) Fear not — Because God keeps us (Psalm 121:5).

Dear reader, as we rest in the love of Christ and recognize that God holds our hand, we too shall be at peace and unafraid.

Let us use these three keys to open our prison of worry and discouragement, so we can experience the inner peace that only the Lord can provide (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT; cf. Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:13-14).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
