Read The Best Selling Banned Book!

The American Library Association has designated September 21-27, 2014 as Banned Books Week in celebration of the freedom to read and to express one’s opinion “even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular.”

The Bible is the all-time best selling book, but in some parts of the world it is banned because it’s considered dangerous. However, the Bible is only dangerous to those who fear finding out that they are in error spiritually speaking. It’s only dangerous to those individuals who exploit the weak and innocent; those individuals who use force to keep others enslaved in poverty and ignorance; those individuals who don’t want to give up their favorite sin.

It’s true that no one wants to be told they are wrong or to hear that their behavior is putting themselves and those they love in danger or that God’s patience will eventually wear out. Yet that was the precise message God told Jeremiah to write in Jeremiah 36:1-3. When His message was read to irreligious King Jehoiakim, the king cut up the scroll and threw it into the fire (Jeremiah 36:23).

Dear reader, there’s only one way to know we’re right spiritually speaking, and that is to be willing to discover where we are wrong. If we are willing to read and study the all-time best selling banned book revealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 3:1-5, it will reveal to us the truth about God (John 17:17) — and about ourselves as well (Ecclesiastes 7:29; Psalm 19:13; Psalm 119:133).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
