Is It Mother Nature?

We have the most amazing view from our sun room. I love the sunrise as we begin a new day; the glow of the city lights at night and the orange and purple sunsets. The moon is amazing and I do believe I can see a man up there smiling at me! Everything outdoors seems so very much alive. There’s movement, changing colors and sounds.

So what do we call the great outdoors and the wonders we observe? Modern science refuses to credit our glorious creation to God. Therefore, the changing seasons, the living creatures and climatic events, both good and sometimes violent….are attributed to Mother Nature. Really?

Our God and Creator designed it all (Psalm 90:1-2; Psalm 148:1-5; cf. Genesis 1:3). The Earth revolves around the Sun, with great accuracy. Not too close or we would all burn up….not too far or we would all freeze.  Birds fly south for the winter. Salmon spawn in only certain areas…..all according to God’s perfect plan.

Even though it appears that “nature” is alive, is it really? Does nature “think” or “choose” to do these things all by itself? (Psalm 65:5-10; Psalm 68:9; Psalm 147:7-8). Evolutionary scientists would have us believe that all of the beauty we observe and all biological functions of living creatures are simply a result of natural selection. In other words, Darwin and his successors would credit intelligence to nature. But we know otherwise (Isaiah 1:18).

Mother Nature is not really a mother at all….she is a non-person — a fairy tale made up by atheists and humanists. God is the great designer of all nature (Job 38). He engineered every form of life to live and to fill the earth according to His command (Genesis 1). Just as Adam was given the responsibility to care for Eden (Genesis 2:15), we too are to care for our earth. We are to use its resources wisely, remembering that all nature is a gift to enjoy but also to nourish.

Mother Nature? No! — Father God! Yes! —Barbara Hyland, guest writer

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
