On Quenching Our Thirst

A few years ago, El Paso experienced close to forty-one days of one hundred degree temperatures or above. Senior citizens were cautioned to stay inside their homes in order to prevent dehydration and possible heat stroke.

The Psalmist compared physical thirst with spiritual thirst when he stated:

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God” (Psalm 42:1).

His thirst was that of a desperate longing for the one and only "living God" (Psalm 42:2).

Dear reader, are we longing for something this world can’t provide? This dissatisfaction is a thirst of our souls for God.

Let us quickly run to the One who alone can quench that thirst — the One who “satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness” (Psalm 107:9; cf. Matthew 5:6).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
