Some Good Advice For Husbands

Brother Trey Morgan, preacher for the Childress church of Christ in Childress, Texas, has written an article with some good advice for husbands entitled, “10 Marriage Gifts Your Wife Would Love.”

The ten gifts are:

1) Commit to making date night a weekly activity.

2) Write your wife a romantic note.

3) Always talk about her [your wife] in a positive light.

4) Learn the art of “non-sexual touching” — or “affection.”

5) Pray for her — and better still, pray “with” her.

6) Help your wife around the house with chores, etc.

7) Take an interest in something your wife likes.

8) Be the spiritual leader in your home.

9) Value your marriage.

10) Cook dinner one night.

Husbands who are willing to provide their wives with the above 10 gifts, will not only strengthen their relationship with one another, but will draw closer to God as well (Ephesians 5:25-33; 1 Peter 3:7).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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