There's An Antidote For The Sting Of Sin!

Over the past few years, various warnings have been circulated about the danger posed by the “Violin Spider” — better known as the Brown Recluse spider. Zoologists who study arachnology (spiders and their relatives), say that this spider’s bite is relatively painless and the agonizing effects are not felt until hours later.

Beloved, that’s exactly the way sin operates and effects us, isn’t it? We usually don’t notice the effect of sin in our lives until it is too late to do anything about it.

For example, for at least two generations, we have seen Christian parents neglect their children by not providing them the spiritual food necessary for their spiritual growth and development (cf. Ephesians 6:4; Genesis 18:16-19; 2 Timothy 1:2-5). They were “bitten” by the world’s influence, and as a result, we now see three generations of unfaithful children in the Lord’s church. The effects of sin are far reaching!

The Brown Recluse spider appears to be harmless. In fact, officials say it is often confused with the Daddy-long-legs spider. That’s exactly the way sin first appears – harmless. The advertisements we see presented on television in the form of suggestive books, magazines, video games, movie videos, and the drinking of alcoholic beverages, do not present themselves as being destructive, but instead pleasurable. However, when these ungodly things are engaged in, their influence soon brings about spiritual death (Romans 6:23).

While there is no known antidote for necrosis caused by the Brown Recluse spider, there is an antidote for the sting of sin —  the blood of Jesus! (Matthew 26:28). Regardless of what sin we have engaged in, it does not have to prove fatal. All we have to do is to apply the anti-venom to obtain the cure (Acts 2:38; Acts 8:26-39; cf. Romans 6:3-7; Gal. 3:26-27; Colossians 2:6-13).

Beloved, that is definitely “good news!” (Acts 13:32-33 ESV).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
