Ebenezer --- Our "Stone Of Help"

For many years, I have enjoyed watching the old 1951 black-and-white rerun of “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. The leading character is Ebenezer Scrooge, portrayed by the late actor Alastair Sim, who did a phenomenal job of representing the heartless, miserly, and self-centered Scrooge.

After seeing this movie multiple times, I began associating the name “Ebenezer” with Scrooge. However, its biblical meaning is totally different to the name associated with the movie.

In 1 Samuel 7, the Israelites erected a stone as a reminder of the Lord’s help in their battle with the Philistines. They named that stone “Ebenezer,” which means “Stone of Help,” to remind themselves of how God rescued them from their enemies (1 Samuel 7:12).

What a contrast, that a name associated with man’s selfishness, could actually serve as a reminder of the readily available help of God.

As we go through life, may we focus on the faithfulness of the Lord and not the selfishness of man. Let’s look to Him as the true “Ebenezer” — our “Stone of Help” in the many challenges of life that come our way.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
