Too Soon Old

The above title relates to a poem that was written by author Dave Griffith of Ft. Worth, Texas over 20 years ago. Mr. Griffith meant for it to be simple and too the point, describing youth through old age — the highs and the lows experienced in his own personal life.

This author can easily relate to Mr. Griffith's poem, since I am past the "threescore years and ten" that the Psalmist speaks of in Psalm 90:10 KJV. But thankfully, I am still "young at heartand that's what really counts.

Beloved, let us remember Mr. Griffith’s poem when we next meet an elderly person who we might otherwise brush aside without looking at the “young soul” within. Remember that if the Lord blesses us with longevity, we too will arrive at this same juncture in life one day (cf. Ecclesiastes 12:1-7-AMP).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
