The First Bite

Oh Eve… could you? You were perfect. You carried within your body the generations of humanity. Your beauty enhanced all of God’s creation. You were the beautiful complement to Adam. He needed a help mate and you were created (Genesis 2:18-23). Paradise was given to you in all its perfection. The animals were your companions. Yes, there was work to do….keeping order in the Garden (Genesis 2:15), but the Divine Order was complete when you came along. Perfection surrounded you.

But he seduced you didn’t he, Eve? He was eloquent and charming, but he was a "liar" (John 8:44). He enticed you to partake of the only thing in the Garden that was forbidden to you. He complimented you. Why would God withhold anything from you? Perhaps God was fearful that you would be more powerful than He. You would know all truth just as He knew truth.

Don’t blame it all on Him, Eve. You had a choice. Not only did you fail but you lured Adam to partake in your disobedience. You didn’t want to do it all by yourself, did you? Sin always loves company (cf. Exodus 23:2). Now look at us. We bare the evidence of your failure. We are surrounded with the consequences of your disobedience. Sin bites at our heels. It continually plagues us (Isaiah 59:1-2).

But Eve, we must forgive you. We also have been tempted just as you (1 Corinthians 10:13-14). We too want perfect knowledge and perfection. We want all truth and to be the Masters of our own fate. We have created power for ourselves under the delusion that we might, indeed, control our destiny. We have designed life-extending drugs; developed machines that keep the body frozen for decades….even exploring outer space in an attempt of finding extra terrestrial beings who might know the answer for everlasting life. We have failed miserably.

But God’s plan is still in effect (Romans 6:16-18; cf. 2 Timothy 1:7-14). He knew from the beginning that you would fail. He also knows that we will fail. He sent the perfect second Adam, who did not fail (Romans 5:14-21; cf. 1 Corinthians 15:45-47). Because of Him we are forgiven and we do have the answer to eternal life (1 John 2:24-25; cf. 2 John 9).

So, Mother Eve, despite the consequences of your sin, our Creator has found a way for us. His name is Jesus (Matthew 1:20-21; Luke 1:30-33; Acts 4:10-12). —Barbara Hyland

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
