6 Steps To Effective Soul Winning

From his blog entitled, “The Morning Drive,” brother Scott McCown, lists the following six steps to effective soul winning that he received from brother Wendell Winkler when he was an undergraduate at Faulkner University:

1) Make a list of 5 to 7 prospects. A prospect is anyone you know who needs to hear the message of the gospel.

2) Pray daily for each person on that list. Pray for their continued health and pray for an opportunity to speak with them.

3) Underline the prospect you think will be the most receptive. This is a judgment call on your part. You know the people on your list. Which one will be most likely to listen and be genuinely interested.

4) Approach that prospect, talk with them, study with them if they are receptive, and lead them to Christ.

5) Add a new name to your list. Don’t completely drop the one you studied with or brought to the Lord, continue to encourage them and even have them come with you on other studies. But do add a new prospect to your list.

6) Set aside one night a week for studies with prospects or for setting up studies.

Beloved, if we will incorporate these six steps that brother Winkler has provided into our daily Christian walk, we will be able to more effectively teach others the saving gospel of Christ, motivating them to become obedient to it (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Romans 6:17).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
