Mankind And The Search For Extraterrestrial Life

Ever since the first man made object was launched into space in October, 1957, man has been seeking ways to prove life exists on other planets and solar systems similar to our own. After fifty-eight years and counting, the conclusion of the scientific community, is that life "might exist" on other planets. In fact, here are 8 worlds where life "might exist."

Why the profound interest in finding extraterrestrial life? Simply to prove a theory [evolution] that cannot be proven as fact, but whose premise is based on non-provable assumptions.

Does extraterrestrial life exist? Let God speak through His inspired word (2 Timothy 3:15 ASV) here and here.

Dear reader, the Bible is its own best commentary, as brother Wayne Jackson points out at the end of his good article here, in response to a question regarding possible UFOs in the Bible.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
