12 Reasons To Be Happier

From today's Huffington Post, comes an above titled article and related video which lists 12 benefits for leading a happy existence. The video states, "When you add life to your years, you add years to your life."

We know the above statement is true, simply by observing individuals who have lived happy and long lives, serving their fellow man. I just saw this morning in USA Today, where Blues icon, B.B. King had passed away at 89 years young.

The article emphasized B.B. King's love for music, which obviously engendered great happiness:

"In a September 2003 interview, King told me his love of music crossed many genres. He grew up on gospel music but became obsessed with the blues as a teenager. King also found beauty in country music, especially the weeping sound of a steel guitar. "Ain't nothin' in the world prettier than that," he said."

Here are some suggested rules for happier living.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
