"Do Not Be Afraid"

The message of encouragement sent to the church at Smyrna in Asia Minor by the Lord was, “Do not be afraid” (Revelation 2:10 NIV). He continued by saying, “of what you are about to suffer.” The devil is going to throw some of you into prison that you may be tested. You will have tribulation ten days. “Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life.

The faith of these first century Christians was at a place where even the Lord’s assurances that things were going to be terrible did not discourage them. Many in our day want to know the future. Would you want to know if severe persecution was about to come?

All of your brothers and sisters would not survive. This could include you. It is better to live one day at a time. The knack of not borrowing trouble is a good trait for a child of God. It is God’s plan for us not to be fearful of what tomorrow holds for us …. “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

The lives of God’s people at Smyrna had to be saturated with their love and dedication to Jehovah God. Nothing short of that would bring them through the vicious attacks of their enemies. Powerful personal commitment would sustain them. Even knowing what was ahead, would only bring them to a closer union with their Lord.

Today, with all the uncertainty in our nation and world in general, can we be assured that the Lord will not "forsake" or leave us alone (Hebrews 13:5; cf. Genesis 28:15; Joshua 1:9; Matthew 28:20). It is true that we never walk alone in life’s valley of despair or on the mountain top of glorious victory. Fear not! “God is able to make all grace abound toward you” (2 Corinthians 9:8). —Norman Hooten

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
