The "Writing On The Wall"

As I read this American Thinker article, relative to how easy it is for people to discern the "writing on the wall" with regard to President Obama's strategy in defeating ISIS, it caused me to think about God's "writing on the wall" in Daniel 5.

As brother Kevin Cauley points out in this article, I'm thinking that as citizens of the United States, we might want to ponder the content of Daniel 5 in light of our own history. The following is a summary of Daniel 5:
  • The Folly of Feasting Due to the abundance of possessions and wealth, many in our society have a "party spirit" (Daniel 5:1-9). Folks just don't seem to care if they offend God or not, in either their thoughts or their actions. The ideology of "if it feels good, do it," still prevails today.
  • The Fault of Fouling Holy Things (Daniel 5:2-3 What attitude do we have regarding God's holy things, i.e., pattern of worship (John 4:24); respecting and adhering to God's authority? (Colossians 3:17).
  • The Foolishness of False Idols (Daniel 5:4)  Do we worship false idols today?
  • The Failure of Forgetting History (Daniel 5:5-23)  Just as King Belshazzar conveniently forgot past history, have the citizens of our country forgotten past history as well?  i.e., the Roman Empire?
  • The Findings of the Faithful (Daniel 5:24-29God's writing on the wall to those who are arrogant and disobedient to God's will is not well-taken, but with certainty, will come to pass (Isaiah 55:6-11).
  • The Finality of Fatality (Daniel 5:30-31The writing on the wall (in prophecy), signified the end of the Babylonian empire (Isaiah 13:19; Jeremiah 25:12).
The question then becomes, are we as a nation willing to learn from the above history? (Hebrews 3:5-19). If not, the finality of fatality will become our fate too (Psalm 9:16-17).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
