The 3 R's And Sin

There are some distinct steps that are necessary in making decisions. As Christians, we need to work at making good decisions. We need to memorize these important steps and strive always to make them live in our lives.

The distinct steps that are necessary in making decisions as Christians are:

1) Define the problem.
2) Study the pertinent facts.
3) Think out all possible solutions.
4) Study God’s word for guidance.
5) Pray to God about making the right decision.
6) Use the brains of others, seek counsel from them.
7) Make sure their counsel is in harmony with God’s word.
8) Take enough time. Keep God’s word open.
9) Ignore emotional pressures.
10) Decide and act!

Years ago, we used to have the three R’s in school that meant, “Readin’, Ritin‘, and Rithmetic.” However, today, the three R’s stand for “Riot, Restlessness, and Rebellion.” And if this trend continues, we will have “Ruin, Rot, and Regret.” What we need is “Respect, Reverence, and Responsibility” for God and His Word. As parents and grandparents, we desperately need to teach our children these three R’s.

Men are sadly apt to forget that it does not require great and open sins to be lost. They have only to go to hearing without believing, listening without repenting, going to church without going to Christ, and by and by, they will find themselves in hell. —Dan Gibson

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
