Brother Gary Henry, has written an above titled article (the original article on his blog is no longer available) in which he states that to love, is to open ourselves to the possibility of one of three sorrows (and in some cases, all three).
The love and sorrow I want to focus on, is the second one that Brother Henry mentions in his article:
“To Love Is To Know The Sorrow Of Losing The Love Of Someone You Love. This is a more serious sorrow than the first. To have loved someone and been loved by them, and then to experience the ending of that love, either by death or some other circumstance, is a sorrow that mere words cannot describe. Yet we must sooner or later say goodbye to all of our loves in this world — even the best of them.“
Brother Henry is correct in his assessment of the above love and sorrow, because we must indeed say goodbye to those “in this world” who have passed on to be with the Lord. However, allow me to say that it is a “temporary” goodbye, for if we are faithful to the Lord, we will one day see our loved ones again in that eternal realm where no more death or sorrow will ever exist again (Revelation 21:1-4).
Won’t that be a great reunion!
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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The love and sorrow I want to focus on, is the second one that Brother Henry mentions in his article:
“To Love Is To Know The Sorrow Of Losing The Love Of Someone You Love. This is a more serious sorrow than the first. To have loved someone and been loved by them, and then to experience the ending of that love, either by death or some other circumstance, is a sorrow that mere words cannot describe. Yet we must sooner or later say goodbye to all of our loves in this world — even the best of them.“
Brother Henry is correct in his assessment of the above love and sorrow, because we must indeed say goodbye to those “in this world” who have passed on to be with the Lord. However, allow me to say that it is a “temporary” goodbye, for if we are faithful to the Lord, we will one day see our loved ones again in that eternal realm where no more death or sorrow will ever exist again (Revelation 21:1-4).
Won’t that be a great reunion!
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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