Common Core Is Rotten To The Core!

After reading this article and its associated links regarding "Common Core" indoctrination, it's not difficult to come to this rational conclusion: Common Core does not promote Christian principles, Christian values, or Biblical literacy.

Note the following quotes from the above article: 

"The traditional Christian cosmology has no place in this brave new world. In the article, Common Core’s Negative Impact on Education and Biblical Literacy, explains the destructive nature of this dehumanizing standardization. 

“The central organizing theme of the Common Core ELA standards is that study of creative literature must be diminished in favor of nonfiction “informational texts.” The idea is that students should be drilled in the types of documents they are more likely to encounter in their entry-level jobs (and make no mistake, Common Core is a workforce-development model, not an education model).

The fundamental problem with the Common Core approach is that, to achieve its job-training goals, it recognizes no difference between one “complex” text and another “complex” text. A great work of literature has value far beyond the complexity of the words used – it allows students to understand the eternal human condition; it allows them to confront human challenges that recur throughout the ages; it teaches empathy, prudence, forgiveness; it transports the readers to places and times not their own. The Common Core ELA standards are, quite simply, indifferent to this type of education. Training, not educating, is their goal. They are not interested in helping students become the people God created them to be; they are interested in creating workers.”

Beloved, just from the above quotes alone, one can quickly see that Common Core is rotten to the core! Also see here and here. On the other side of the coin, How important is biblical education?

Vitally important (Hosea 4:1,6).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

Related Articles here and here


  1. Common Core is objective & neutral about English & math. It assumes LOCALS will apply their desired bias, including beliefs. The informational text percentages INCLUDES texts & textbooks for other school subjects.


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