God Has Given Us A "T.A.D."

Do you know that God has given each one of us a “T.A.D.”? “What in the world is a T.A.D” you ask? God has given each one of us Time, Abilities, and Dollars — a “T.A.D” if you will.

The word “tad” in the dictionary, means “a small amount or degree” of something. God has given each of us a small amount or degree of time (we don’t have much – James 4:14), abilities (some folks have only one talent – Matthew 25:14-30), and dollars (Mark 12:42-44; Luke 21:1-4).

The twelve disciples that Jesus chose, only possessed a “T.A.D.” of time (John 9:4), abilities (they were uneducated fishermen – Matthew 4:18-19; Acts 4:13), and dollars (Mark 6:34-37), and yet God used them in His service to influence not only first century mankind (Colossians 1:3-6,23), but also twenty-first century mankind (Matthew 28:18-20 – note vs. 20 – “to the end of the age”; Mark 16:15-16).

From the reading regarding the "five loaves" and "two fishes" (Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17), we can see that our Lord “multiplied” their “T.A.D.” so that what He wanted accomplished, was accomplished.

Beloved, God will do the same for us today, in order to accomplish His will. It’s not “how much” time, abilities, and dollars that God has provided each of us with, but what we “do” with the time, abilities, and dollars that God has provided each one of us with — God will take care of the multiplying factor (1 Corinthians 3:5-7). All we have to do is to “plant” and “water.”

What are we doing with the “T.A.D.” that God has so graciously provided each one of us with? Are we squandering it on worldly activities that are of very little profit to God and the growth of His kingdom (church), or are we using the “T.A.D.” we’ve been given for God’s glory? (Isaiah 43:7; Matthew 5:14-16).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
