Wise Lessons From A Rich Fool

Jesus taught great moral truths by using great human tragedies. One such episode is His parable concerning “The Rich Fool” in Luke 12:16-21. Like many of us, this man nobly earned an honest living through hard work and toil, but unfortunately, like many of us, he failed to realize that God was the source of his blessings (Acts 14:14-17; cf. Deuteronomy 8:11-20).

Like many of us, this man was not openly involved in immoral or unholy conduct, but unfortunately, like many of us, he failed to realize that God expects not only abstinence from evil but active involvement in doing good (Romans 2:7).

Yes, like many of us, this man enjoyed an abundance of wealth in this life, but who, like too many of us, failed to use his great physical means for great spiritual gain. Thankfully, the Savior uses this story to teach us wise lessons from a foolish man.

What do we learn from this parable?

See here.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
