Opening The Windows Of Heaven

While working for a major gas transmission company a few years back, I worked in an office building for two years where there were few windows. In fact, the majority of those two years were spent in rooms completely without windows to the outside world. Indeed, a sad environment to work in.

In contrast, one of the joys of our home, is that of a large window overlooking our backyard. At any moment, my wife and I can glance through the window and see green grass, the cinder blocks of our perimeter fence, and the swaying branches of our one large mulberry tree. We even have occasional visitors, such as bluebirds and mockingbirds dropping by to sit on the fence and chatter. A crow circles in to see whether there is anything available to eat. A neighborhood cat strolls on top of the fence on his way to some type of mischief.

The world outside our window serves as a constant reminder of the God who designed it (Genesis 1:1). Day after day His creation puts on its fascinating display of light and life, and we are privileged to experience it. Why?

See here.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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